In Jython, you interact with a Java class in the same way as with a Python class. An important thing to note is that Python modules that use C-extensions like NumPy and friends or parts of the standard library that are not implemented in Jython are not compatible with Jython. For example, when you create a file tutorial. This is also the location in which you can put your own Jython 2. For example the following script will work when you set the file path to a valid path on your system. It implements a great part of the Python 2. Here is a small example script that will show the information dialog below when you execute it in openLCA. Thus, you have access to all the things that you can do with openLCA via this scripting API and also to everything that you can do with the Java and Jython runtime. The script is executed in the same Java process as openLCA. In order to execute a script, you click on the Run button in the toolbar of the Python editor.
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